Gunnery Sergeant Lamar Greene is a capable and formidable Combat Marine who was attached to the Third Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) , in addition to UNEF and Alien Legion. He is a member of Commandant Fabron's Commandos that were "recruited" by the Merry Band of Pirates to rescue hundreds of human civilians on Rikers who were kidnapped from Earth by the Kristang before UNEF left Earth and were being used for developing and testing bioweapons. Greene and Margaret Adams had a romantic and physical relationship while serving together in the USMC prior to joining UNEF. They were stationed at Pendleton together, then he transferred to Third MEF. In Okinawa. Adams requested a transfer, but then Columbus Day happened. Air transport was limited, the internet went down and then wasn’t reliable. They both shipped out to Paradise, but on separate ships. When they landed, they kept in touch by zPhone. While he was stuck on Okinawa after Columbus Day, Greene had a relationship with a civilian (Adams hadn’t exactly been celibate either). Adams requested a transfer to Okinawa, but she had second thoughts about it. Adams did go visit Greene's parents in El Paso once, after the Pirates returned to Earth from Newark. Adams had not mentioned Lamar Greene to Skippy the Magnificent more than a half dozen times. Adams had not been pining away for Greene. Adams hadn’t seen him for a long time, it was natural that they were happy to meet again. Whatever Joseph Bishop's very personal misgivings about Lamar Greene being with the Pirates, Joe had to admit he was a stand-up guy. Greene and Adams spend time together, rekindling their friendship during the events of Critical Mass, but have yet to rekindle their romantic relationship. Greene definitely wants to, but Adams was hesitant. Adams eventually made it clear that she was not interested in re-kindling their prior relationship and wanted to remain just friends. |
Lamar Greene