- "Captain Scorandum," the Rindhalu official representative glared. "We demand an explanation!" "Yes, thank you," Scorandum breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief. "Excellent, then- Wait, what?" "We also demand an explanation for this outrage," Scorandum shook his head sadly. "When you get that explanation from the devious Maxolhx, please pass it along to us." "From the-" The spider’s hideous mouth gaped open. ~Rindhalu official representative and Captain Scorandum
- "We also wish for an apology." "The Maxolhx do not apologize to any-" "You misunderstand me. We wish for an apology from you." "From us?" The spider screeched. "Of course. Under our mutual-defense treaty, you are required to defend us against attacks by your counterparts. This was a direct assault by a senior species force, against a second-tier client species of your coalition. You failed to protect us." "Aaargh!” ~Captain Scorandum and Rindhalu official representative
- "No doubt you are deeply ashamed by your failure, and will compensate us by-" "Captain Scorandum! The explanation we demand is how a group of your ships came to be here, after we expressly forbid you to transfer more ships to the humans, and after you claimed this same group of ships was mysteriously stolen." "Oh? It seems fairly obvious to me." "It seems obvious to us, also. We await your apology." "An apology from us?” Scorandum’s main antennas dipped low over his eyes. ~Captain Scorandum and Rindhalu official representative
- "Clearly, the Maxolhx stole those ships." "The- You are claiming the Maxolhx stole the ships from you, then brought them all the way here, before destroying them? That makes no sense!" "The methods of the enemy are inscrutable, certainly," the ECO captain sighed. "That is why we depend on our exalted patrons the Rindhalu, to warn us of impending danger, and to protect us. Which, I am reluctant to mention again, you failed to do." ~Captain Scorandum and Rindhalu official representative
- "Aaargh! If the ships were indeed stolen from you, then please explain why one of your ships, the We Were Never Here, was found among the wreckage." Scorandum blinked. "Well, that also seems fairly obvious." "Really?” The spider’s voice dripped with scorn. "We await your rationale for that." "Clearly, Commander Fentenu of the We Were Never Here discovered the theft in progress, and bravely followed the enemy here, to determine their intentions. Sadly, the heroic efforts of her crew were unable to overcome the heinous perfidy of the enemy. Before she could report her findings to you, her ship was destroyed." ~Rindhalu official representative and Captain Scorandum
- "That is your story?” The spider was incredulous. "Honored Representative, I do not see any other possible explanation." "You do not?” Scorandum shook his head, his antennas flopping side to side. "No." "How about this: those ships were never stolen. They were here, waiting for the humans to meet you, but instead the Maxolhx discovered your plan, and destroyed the ships before the humans could use them against all of us." ~Rindhalu official representative and Captain Scorandum
- "That is a shocking and hurtful accusation," "corandum hung his head, his antennas drooping. "It also does not account for the facts." "What facts?" "If the humans were supposed to meet us here, where are they? We found no evidence any human ship was ever here." "Well-" The spider’s eyes blinked. "I mean, unless you found evidence that the humans were here, and chose not to share that information with us?" "We did not-" "Perhaps," Captain Scorandum glared at the image on the display, "your people wished to make sure those ships were not available for transfer, so you stole the ships, then gave the Maxolhx their location. Let your counterparts do your dirty work for you." ~Captain Scorandum and Rindhalu official representative
- "How dare you?" The Rindhalu official raged. "We-" "Right now, I do not know what to believe. It appears the only thing the two of us can agree on, is that your people failed to live up to your treaty obligations." "That is not-" "Honored Representative, I am not accusing your people of acting in bad faith. Not yet." "You had better not be-" "It is possible that simple incompetence on your part is responsible for this tragedy." "AAARGH!" The spider’s image disappeared as the transmission was cut. ~Rindhalu official representative and Captain Scorandum
- "You talked about it, but you blew the money on a wager, about when that star in the Pendol sector would go nova.” “I did?” “Yes, and when the star did not go nova on time, you tried to borrow more money from me. Because apparently you think I am stupid.” “Come, Kinsta. I think you are generous and trusting.” Kinsta blinked. “Isn’t that what I just said?" ~Lieutenant Kinsta and Captain Scorandum
- "All right, what does our glorious Home Fleet want this time?" Kinsta looked at the message on the tablet in his hand. "Would you like to place a wager about the contents of their message?" "Will you front me the money?" "Uh, no." "Then sadly, I must decline." ~Captain Scorandum and Lieutenant Kinsta