A Kristang troop transport ship, The Ever Long Remembrance Of Khost Flacronda Who Served With Ultimate Honor, that was used to subjugate Earth when the Kristang still held the planet. After it's original Kristang crew was killed, it came under the control of humanity and renamed The Ever-Long Remembrance of Yu Qishan Who Served With Ultimate Honor in honor of Sergeant Yu Qishan, who sacrificed himself to prevent a Kristang from destroying the Flower's reactor.[2] Was waiting at the Backstop wormhole when the Flying Dutchman came through and was ordered to return to Earth by Colonel Chang Kong in case warning them that a Maxolhx battlegroup was behind them.[3] She was destroyed when the combined forces of the Bosphuraq and Thuranin, acting on orders from the Maxolhx, attacked UNEF headquarters in New York City, New York, USA and Geneva, Switzerland.[4] |
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