[]The United Nations Navy is the humans' first starship fleet currently consisting of a total of sixty-five ships and two support stations. It is currently under the command of Admiral Zhao and is based at FOB Jaguar (Jiayuguan), formerly known as Club Skippy. The original Fleet (formerly named the First Fleet) was a collection of old, unused, Jeraptha ships acquired in a technology trade with the Jeraptha. The UNN First Fleet was comprised of twenty-nine warships, six assault transports with a full complement of Dragonfly and Scarab dropships, four star carriers, three fleet-support ships and an orbital starship servicing platform. The ships were undergoing upgrades at FOB Jaguar[1] until the Merry Band of Pirates aboard Valkyrie secured Ragnar Anchorage Station, an abandoned Maxolhx Safe Harbor station deep in Rindhalu territory, where their upgrades were completed.[2] Admiral Zhao divided the First Fleet into the 1st Fleet and 2nd Fleet. While Admiral Zhao took command of the 1st Fleet, Admiral Chatterji was given command of the 2nd Fleet.[2] Brigadier General Joseph Bishop borrowed (translate: hijacked) two civilian Jeraptha star carriers - the Let It Ride and the High Roller as well as five civilian Ruhar transport ships that were attached to the Let it Ride.[2] An additional fifteen gently-used Jeraptha warships that the Jeraptha ECO had stolen from the Jeraptha Regional Patrol were delivered to Joe Bishop. Also, because Joe altered the deal, the two star carriers that were transporting the ships were included.[2] The UNN Fleet is currently comprised of:
Ships[]Most UNN Fleet Ships are named after rivers on Earth. Star Carriers[]Ganges Assault Carriers[]Adriatic Sea Battlecruisers[]Amazon Battleships[]Atlantic Heavy Cruisers[]Congo Destroyers[]Boston Fleet Support Ships[]Mario |
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